
Create an environment where musicians can focus solely on their music.

Music is what musicians are supposed to do. In practice, however, that focus can be impeded by non-musical stresses.

For example, carrying a heavy instrument on one’s back for a long period of time can place a heavy physical load on one’s body. This may limit the instruments that can be used, or force the player to play with unreasonable form.

ROSIÉ’s goal is to alleviate such stress for musicians and create an environment where they can focus solely on their music. Our technology exists purely to allow musicians to focus on their music.

Make everybody happy with ROSIE.

An environment where musicians can focus solely on their music is ideal, but should there be sacrifices to achieve this? We do not think so.

On the way to achieving the ideal, there are people who make the product, transport it around the world, sell it, and buy it.ROSIÉ is committed to the constant well-being of all those involved, without sacrifice.

That is why we have a fair trade philosophy.No one is forced to work unfairly for cheap wages in ROSIÉ’s manufacturing plants. We charge fair prices in all our business dealings.

Of course, this is not directly relevant to consumers or musicians themselves. However, cultural activities such as music are based on human life. We believe that “the continued happiness of all those involved in the brand” must be a priority and a prerequisite above all else.